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Sizing Up Your Locum Protection Needs

Dec 03, 2024

Your two biggest assets are your life and your ability to earn an income. In the UK, 86% of disabled people acquire their disability while of working age.

This means that the chances of someone becoming disabled during their working life are high. In fact, a 25-year old has an 80% chance of experiencing a disability that will keep them out of work for 90 days or more.

And if you're under age 35, chances are one in three that you'll be disabled for at least six months during the course of your career.  The chances of a 20 year old missing work due to sickness or injury before age 67 is 25%.

That is pretty high compared to the number of auto & home insurance claims made. Don't you think it's backwards that you are forced to cover your home and your vehicle, but not your life or your income? And we just accept this philosophy. Seems crazy to me.

There is always something out there that can make us sick and locums, due to our line of work, are more prone to accidents and certain diseases than others, including musculoskeletal diseases.

Imagine if you had a machine in your basement that spit out £70,000 a year. Would you insure that machine? Of course you would! Well, you are that machine, so why wouldn't you insure yourself?

If a Locum decides not to have income protection in place, you are running a risk should something happen to you where you are unable to work for a period of time. By not having a policy, you may find you need to rush back to work before you are fully healthy, simply because you cannot survive the loss of income any further.

Whether it is from a major illness, a big surgery, or something like a cancer diagnosis, the time you may need to be away from work could be quite long. Without income protection, locums may simply be unable to survive that long without pay.

Returning to work too soon can jeopardise your future health and put you at risk of having to be off work again due to a flare up, relapse, or future injury. So having your own policy ensures you have one less thing to stress about, aside from any health issues that may creep up.

Got specific questions or want to know more? I'd love to hear from you, email me at [email protected]call me at +447491280562 or schedule a free call at